
Using the Library Building

The pandemic changed so much about how we were able to meet the needs of Trinity’s faculty, staff, and students.  We hope to return to our traditional service model this fall.

Use of the library’s spaces:  Starting in Fall 2021 the library plans to resume normal operations. Though we expect things to be back to “normal” this year, use of all our interior spaces will continue to follow the University’s guidelines.

Access hours:  The Library’s website always has an up-to-date calendar of operational hours.

Exterior of Coates LIbrary at Trinity University
Books Stacked on a Study Table in the Library

Getting your hands on stuff:  We’re here to connect you with the materials you need!  You can look up physical holdings like books and DVDs in our classic catalog and check them out at the circulation desk using your Tiger Card. If you need something we don’t own, we can still probably get it for you through our interlibrary loan service.

Reserves: We have a robust Reserves service, including some textbooks and class readings. You can learn how to submit materials for reserve here.

Getting research help: Students can get quick research assistance at the Access Services desk by the main entrance. For more involved help it’s best to direct them to reach out to the liaison librarian who covers the relevant academic discipline and make an appointment with them. You can find a list of these librarians here. *As a faculty member, you also have access to librarian support. Please don’t hesitate to contact your liaison librarian about research questions or access to materials for your own scholarship.

For more information, you can always visit our website, email us at, or call us at 210-999-8127.